A Charmed World


Piper Halliwell
Phoebe Halliwell
Paige Mathews
Love On The Set?
A Charmed World The Message Board
Evil Sisters
Halliwell Family Tree
Cast Pictures
The Cast
Theme Song
Wedding Vows
I Adopted
Piper and Leo
Show Guide

~*~ Charming Powers ~*~

PRUE - TELEKINISIS   the power to move things with the mind
- ASTRAL PROJECTION   to be in two places at once
PIPER - TIME FREEZING   the ability to freeze the surroundings
-  EXPLODING   to blow something up
PHOEBE - PREMONITION   to be able to see  into the future
- LEVITATION   to be able to float on air
PAIGE - ORBING TELEKINISIS   holding out the hand and call for an object and it lands in the hand
HEALING   the ability to heal a wound
LEO - Cloaking - the abilty to hide yourself
Orbing - the abilty to orb from place to place
Heaing - the ability to heal a wound